One of the most important top American universities’ Math Tournament, is close to registering today! Register now so you won't miss it!
The individual and team-based tournament - mini Math Tournament at Berkeley (BmMT) assumes familiarity with concepts covered by the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the ability to solve problems covering mathematical applications of the aforementioned standards.
Rounds in BmMT
There will be 4 rounds in BmMT - Individual Round, Relay Round(team-based), Team Round, and Puzzle Round(team-based).
The Individual Round will account for 30% of the overall score. The team-based rounds will account for 70% of the overall score.
Duration of BmMT
The duration of BmMT will be around 6 hours. The agenda (based on Singapore time) is below.
Who can register BmMT?
BmMT is a very challenging and difficult math tournament. We are encouraging students with the following awards to register BmMT:
Top 10 scorers from SMGF 2023 and 3MT 2023; and
All Silver and above winners of SASMO 2023.
Please click the button below for more information about Teaming Rules and the Tournament Awards!