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Globally recognized international curriculum

Supporting your child’s progress

Laying the foundation for future success

Reading Book Together

Consistent Learning Journey

Ages 5-11

Year 1-6

A consistent learning journey ensures students are well placed to achieve highly in later examinations in an engageable and enjoyable way.

Global Infinite Certification

Measure students’ learning progress with built-in internal Progress Tests and Edexcel Achievement Tests - Internationally Benchmarked Achievement Tests.

Progress Tests

Progress Tests are included for every topic (in Science) or half term (in Mathematics, English, Computing), as well as a full, summative end-of-year test for each year group in the programme to check the learning of students at the end of each key stage.

Edexcel Achievement Tests

Edexcel Achievement Tests are assessments that are externally administered and marked by Pearson Edexcel, and are available at the end of primary (in Year 6 / age 11). This provides a qualification that is internationally benchmarked against students around the world.

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Math Exercises


The curriculum is designed to ensure that key Mathematics skills are properly embedded and that students are secure in their understanding of the concepts needed to be strong mathematicians.

Art Class


Ensures students engage with a range of text types and learn to communicate effectively in written and spoken English.

Outdoor Education


Encourage students to take an engaged and investigative approach to their learning, including Scientific Enquiry, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

Online Education

Global Citizenship

Develop the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication. 

Online Class


It has been developed in conjunction with leading education and industry experts to ensure that the skills learned at primary and lower secondary levels prepare students for further study.

World-Renowned Resources

Have a fun and engageable learning journey! 


Maths Tool

A unique and flexible primary maths toolkit.


Reading Tool

Our core program, helping more than a million children learn to read and explore.

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English Tool

Provideing the building blocks for grammar and punctuation success.

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Science Tool

An exciting hands-on science programme designed for today’s curious kids.

Students and Parents Support

Trackable learning reports make learning more visible!

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Detailed Individual Report


Skills Map Report

Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Worldwide Students Academic Evaluation

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Free access to numerous studying resources


Personalized study plan advice

Enrol to claim the FREE assessment now!

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