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What is BmMT?

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BmMT (mini Math Tournament at Berkeley) is open to students in Grade 8 or below (NZ Year 5-9). In particular, there is no lower age limit to compete in BmMT; advanced elementary students are welcome to compete. 

The tournament will consist of 4 main rounds — Puzzle, Individual, Team, and Relay.

Tournament date: 3 June 2023

Closing date of registering: 24 May 2023

BmMT vs BMT? What is the difference?

Thanks for submitting!

Fees for the BmMT is $150 per student.

Eligible year groups: NZ Years 5-9

Exam formatOnline

Duration: around 6 hours (agenda below)


Calculators are NOT permitted.


Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group

Account: 06-0241-0684634-00


Please make payment with the students 'full name + BmMT ' as reference.

⚠️ Please note that any fees and payments made are non-refundable.

⚠️ Before you make any payment, make sure you read through the refund policy on our website to avoid misunderstandings.

(Terms and conditions apply).

Please note: If you registered after the deadline, the fees will be doubled.

BmMT is a “mini” version of the flagship tournament designed for students below NZ Year 9. BMT is for high school students and is aimed at students below NZ Year 13. 

This is one of the important top American universities’ Math Tournaments.

Pre-requisite for BmMT

- Top 10 scorers from SMGF 2023 and 3MT 2023;

- All Silver and above winners of SASMO 2023.

PGA reserves the right to interpret all competition and course arrangements.

Topics covered in BmMT

Divisibility, proportions, sets, functions, geometric congruence, combinations and permutations, conditional probability, linear/quadratic functions, and more.

As is the standard with math contests, any given problem in our tournament may require the combination of multiple topics in creative and innovative ways.


Problems highly emphasize logical thinking and will often require an analytic approach.

Topics not covered in BmMT

Notably, this does NOT cover trigonometric, logarithmic, or hyperbolic functions, nor does it require familiarity with matrices or calculus.

Teaming Rules

1. 5 members per team, mixed grade teams are acceptable.

2. Where there is a missing member, grade score of 4 points will be added for each missing team member.

3. We will have 3 divisions for scoring teams based on points taken from the Grade level of contestants
- Lower Division = total grade level points per team will be 25 or less

 - Middle Division = total grade level points per team will be 26 to 35

 - Upper Division = total grade level points per team will be 36 to 45


Example 1: there are 5 team members from grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 = 30 = Middle Division;
Example 2: 4 team members from grades 4, 4, 4, 5 = 17 + 4 = 21 = Lower Division.

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Competition Rules and Marking

1. Individual Round: 20 questions, 60 minutes, every member’s performance on this round contributes 6% (5 x 6 = 30%) to the overall team score.

2. Relay Round: Team Round, 20 questions, 40 minutes, questions feed into each other, requiring one to solve a question before given the next question to solve. This round will account for 10% of overall score.


3. Team Round: Team Round, 20 questions in 60 minutes. This round will account for 40% of the overall score.


4. Puzzle Round: Team Round, 75 minutes (including 15 minutes reading time). This round will account for 20% of the overall score.


5. Tiebreaker: Students and Teams with the same points will receive the same awards

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1. Individual Awards

Individual Award for Years 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 marked for each grade separately.

Gold: Top 10%
Silver: Next 15%
Bronze: Next 25%
Honorable Mention: Next 20%
Remaining 30% get E-certificate of Participation

TOP 10 individual scorers for Years 5 – 7 (one Group)

TOP 10 individual scorers for Grades 8-9 (one Group)

2. Team Awards for 3 divisions


Gold: Top 10%
Silver: Next 15%
Bronze: Next 25%

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