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Writer's picturePinnacle Global Academy

Come and join “ChineseX Language Challenge” to win cool trophy and badges!

Come and join “ChineseX Language Challenge” to win cool trophy, badge and free Chinese learning resources!

This year, to celebrate 2022 New Zealand Chinese Language Week, Pinnacle Education Trust and New Zealand Chinese Language Week will hold the first large-scale event of challenging Chinese contest where teams from different schools compete against each other. “ChineseX Language Challenge” will be held at 7-9pm on Sep 29 at Auckland campus, Massey University. This event aims to attract Chinese learners gathering together, and be socially connected with their peers via learning language and culture in a more fun way.

“ChineseX Language Challenge” is a free school-wide Chinese enrichment event for for students in years 5–10 consisting of series of challenging and interesting Chinese quizzes provided to each school team. More details are as below:

Event Rules

(1) The challenge group will be divided into three grade groups: Year 5-6, Year 7-8 and Year 9-10. Joint schools select 4 students per team and up to 5 teams per level.

(2) All teams are required to have a lead teacher. Teachers need to go through the rules in the booklet with each team to ensure they totally understand the rules. Electronic devices will NOT be allowed to use during the contest.

(3) The contest will be divided into three parts including 20 multiple choices, 10 sequencing and 10 short answers. And there are 3 extra fun games to win bonus. The whole contest will last for one and a half hours and there will be a awarded ceremony at the end.

(4) Year 5-6 teams will start with Challenge A (multiple choices), Year 7-8 teams will start with Challenge B (sequencing), and Year 9-10 teams will start with Challenge C(short answers). Then switch. (A-B-C, B-C-A, C-A-B)

(5) marks are awarded for each correctly answered question. No marks are awarded or deducted for incorrect or incomplete questions. If the question consists more than one part, then all parts must be answered correctly to get the points.

Due Date

Sep 25 2022


Click here: sign up form

The number of entries is limited! Only 7 teams per grade group! Sign up now to reserve a spot for your team!


(1) The first prize: Trophy-1 for team, ChineseX badges (see the picture below) for team members, donations package-1 for school

(2) The second prize: Trophy-2 for team, ChineseX badges for team members, donations package-2 for school

(3) The third prize: Trophy-3 for team, ChineseX badges for team members, donations package-3 for school

Benefits for different parties

(1) Winning school will receive donations and increase visibility.

(2) Winning teams (the first three teams) will be awarded a trophy.

(3) Winning students will be awarded a badge.

(4)The leader teachers of winning teams will receive free access to unlimited Chinese teaching resources provided by Pinnacle Education Trust

(5) Every parent who attends the event will get a free coffee or same value drink.

Team up with your friends to join now!

你中文学得到底有多好?2022 ChineseX Langauge Challenge见分晓!

2022年中文周又到啦!Pinnacle Education Trust联手“新西兰中文周 Chinese Language Week, CLW” 将于2022年9月29日晚7-9点在梅西大学奥克兰校区共同主办ChineseX Langauge Challenge活动,以期为新西兰广大中小学的中文学习同学提供更优质更具趣味性的中文应用平台!此次活动的承办单位为PGA环球学校,同时也得到了梅西大学梅西学院和高等教育出版社的大力支持。

本次活动以中文语言文化知识为竞赛内容,以5-10年级学生为参赛对象,以学校小组为参赛单位,面向奥克兰全部中小学免费开放。邀请各校中文老师组队参赛,带领学生参与中文竞技性比赛,彰显中文教学成果,并赢取丰厚奖品!ChineseX Langauge Challenge比赛详情如下:

  • 比赛时间:2022年9月29日晚7-9点

  • 比赛地点:梅西大学奥克兰校区

  • 比赛对象:奥克兰中小学5-10年级学生

  • 比赛组别:5-6年级,7-8年级,9-10年级

  • 比赛队伍:每个年级限定7个队伍参赛,欢迎尽快报名锁定参赛队伍!

  • 比赛内容:比赛将分为Challenge A, Challenge B, Challenge C三个部分:

(1)Challenge A 包含: 20道多项选择题

(2)Challenge B 包含: 10道排序或匹配题

(3)Challenge C 包含: 10道问答题 此外,比赛还包括3个中文传统趣味游戏,为团队赢取额外分数。 (请注意:PGA环球学校公众号将从下周开始不定期推出预热题型,欢迎提前练习!)

  • 比赛规则:比赛时间为90分钟,5-6年级组别从Challenge A开始,7-8年级组别从Challenge B开始,9-10年级组别从Challenge C开始,之后再交换,交换顺序为(A-B-C, B-C-A, C-A-B) 。每答对一题,获得5分;小组队伍在规定时间内完成中文传统趣味游戏将额外获得5分,答错或未完成题目不扣分。最后按每个队伍所获得的总分数排名,位列前三名的小组将分别赢取不同奖品。

  • 比赛奖品:

(1)第一名:奖杯+徽章+捐赠礼包#1 (2)第二名: 奖杯+徽章+捐赠礼包#2 (3)第三名: 奖杯+徽章+捐赠礼包#3

  • 参赛福利





ChineseX Langauge Challenge是新西兰首次以学校小组为参赛单位的中文知识趣味互动竞赛,参赛名额有限!请感兴趣的学校、中文教师、学生和家长尽早报名,锁定参赛席位!



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