What is Physics Bowl?
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The PhysicsBowl Contest is an international high school competition. School teams compete regionally with other school teams.
Students will take a 40-question, 45-minute timed, multiple-choice test under PGA's supervision.
Contest date and time: 17:00-17:45, 4 April 2025 (Fri)
Closing date of registering: 17 Feb 2025
Contest date and covered topics
Exam questions are based on topics and concepts in a typical high school physics course.
Contest day: 4th April, 2025 (Friday)
Contest time: 17:00-17:45 (NZ time)
Format: Offline paper-based.
Exam Centre Address: Unit T/301 Botany Road, Golflands, Auckland 2013
Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group
Account: 06-0241-0684634-00
Please make payment with the students 'full name + Physics Bowl ' as reference.
⚠️ Please note that any fees and payments made are non-refundable.
⚠️ Before you make any payment, make sure you read through the refund policy on our website to avoid misunderstandings.
(Terms and conditions apply).
Fees for the competition is $100/student.
Please note: If you registered after the deadline, the fees will be doubled.
PGA reserves the right to interpret all competition and course arrangements.

Deadline for registering: 17th Feb, 2025
The successful registration is confirmed upon receipt of the registration fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the differences between division 1 and 2?
Division 01 is for students who are taking their first physics course. This could be anything from basic conceptual physics to more advanced courses like AP Physics. In the contest, questions may come from the AP curriculum or cover topics from a conceptual physics course, such as phases of the Moon, that are not part of AP Physics. Students who have finished one year of physics but are not taking a second physics course (for example, a junior who takes Honors Physics and then doesn't take physics as a senior) can participate in Division 01. Division 02 is for students taking a second (or more) course in physics or for any student wishing a challenge. The questions on this part of the contest generally are tougher than those encountered in Division 01 because of both depth and breadth.
YES! The equation sheet is provided to students.
However, it does NOT include all possible formulas that might be useful on the contest.
The following is a link to the most recent version of the equation sheet. Equation Sheet for 2022
2. Is there an equation sheet?
Some constants are provided. All constants on the equation sheet are used in the exam construction.
Again, this is NOT an exhaustive list of all constants, but the ones most commonly used.
The following is a link to the most recent version of the constants sheet. Constants Sheet for 2022
3. Will the constants be provided?
4. What assumed conventions are used on the exam?
The assumptions used in the contest construction are typically used in textbooks. Here are some of the working assumptions: • g = 10 m/s2 • All currents are conventional unless otherwise noted. • "A person launches an object from the top of a 10-meter-high building..." assumes that the object is 10 meters off the ground when thrown... if the height of the person is required for the question, it will be made clear from the context. • While important in science, unless otherwise noted, significant figures are not considered in the problem (although we try to keep things reasonable). • All masses are rest masses (unless otherwise noted).
5. Can I use calculators?
Calculators are usable, as long as they are non-programmable or have all programs removed before competition