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What is ChineseX?

Register ChineseX now! 

ChineseX is a challenging Chinese contest where schools from across New Zealand compete against each other in teams to complete the challenges.

In the past two years, ChineseX event, which attracted more than 400 participants from 10 schools, achieved full success. With a clear theme, ChineseX challenge is one of the best way to attract Chinese learners gathering together. It is the first large-scale events of its kind, ensuring that school teams within New Zealand could enjoy one of the most anticipated Chinese event every year. It includes Chinese questions, puzzles and also fun games, which is a great opportunity to learn and interact with other Chinese language learners.

Closing date of registering: 15 Sep 2023

NZ Year level

Lead teacher information

Participant information

*4 students as a team

Student A

Student B

Student C

Student D

Entry Fee Payment

Entry Fee NZ$120/per team


Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group

Account: 06-0241-0684634-00

Please make payment with Team Name as reference.

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

Fees for the ChineseX is $30 per participant/ $120 per team.


Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group

Account: 06-0241-0684634-00

⚠️ Please note that any fees and payments made are non-refundable.

⚠️ Before you make any payment, make sure you read through the refund policy on our website to avoid misunderstandings.

(Terms and conditions apply).

Please note: If you registered after the deadline, the fees will be doubled.

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PGA reserves the right to interpret all competition and course arrangements.

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