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What is CCC?
The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is a fun challenge for participants with an interest in programming.
Designed to be both accessible to participants with some programming experience and to challenge the keenest programmers at the secondary school level, the CCC helps participants build confidence and grow their ability to design, understand and implement algorithms.
Contest date and time
Contest day: February 22, 2024
Deadline for registering: February 10, 2024
Format of CCC
Participants write online at school, individually
Address (to be confirmed): Unit T/301 Botany Road, Golflands, Auckland 2013
5 questions
3 hours
Score out of 75
Content of CCC
The Junior competition begins with straightforward topics like basic loops and conditions and progresses to advanced material, like recursion, two-dimensional arrays and efficient or clever algorithms.
The Senior competition increases in difficulty from basic algorithms to more advanced algorithms, like careful counting and some mathematical reasoning, with the final question typically involving material at the level of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).
Approximately 20 of the top participants from the Senior level of the CCC are invited to the Canadian Computing Olympiad (CCO) at the University of Waterloo.
The CCO is invitation-only and held in May.
How to prepare for CCC Contest?
- CCC Grader
Please be familiar with the CCC Grader system. This is an online system that the students can practice for the contest.
- Instructions of CCC Grader
1. Please download the instructions of CCC Grader here.
The instruction includes the following contents:
• How to register for an account on the CCC Grader
• How to submit programs to the CCC Grader
• How to write “live” contests using the CCC Grader
• How to avoid common pitfalls
2. Authenticate your account
Once you have created a CCC account, please send an email to operation@pinnaclek12.com to authenticate your account.
Your email should include the name you wish to authenticate.
3. Do the practice test
After authentication, you can follow the instructions in step 1, to log in and practice the questions.
Fees for the CCC is $150 per student.
Please note: If you registered after the deadline, the fees will be doubled.
Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group
Account: 06-0241-0684634-00
Please make payment with the students 'full name + CCC ' as reference.
⚠️ Please note that any fees and payments made are non-refundable.
⚠️ Before you make any payment, make sure you read through the refund policy on our website to avoid misunderstandings.
(Terms and conditions apply).
PGA reserves the right to interpret all competition and course arrangements.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the eligibility requirements?
Participants may choose to write either the Junior or Senior level of the competition. We recommend that participants follow these guidelines: Junior level any participant with beginner programming skills; Senior level any participant with intermediate to advanced programming skills.