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What is UKJMO?

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The Junior Mathematical Olympiad is a follow-on round to the Junior Mathematical Challenge.


It is a two-hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems: 10 in Section A and six in Section B.


Only answers are required to the problems in Section A whereas full written solutions are required for problems in Section B.

Challenge date and time:

19:00-21:00, Wednesday 11th June 2025


Closing date of registering: 28 May 2025

When registering multiple students, complete a separate registration form for each student, and ensure that you use a different email for each student.

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Thanks for submitting!

Fees for the UKJMO (all-year level) are $100 or $200 per student (please see below*).

Eligible year groups: Year 8 and below

Exam format: Remote paper-based

Calculators are NOT permitted.


Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group

Account: 06-0241-0684634-00


Please make payment with the students 'full name + UKJMO ' as reference.

⚠️ Please note that any fees and payments made are non-refundable.

⚠️ Before you make any payment, make sure you read through the refund policy on our website to avoid misunderstandings.

(Terms and conditions apply).

The host UKMT invites around 1,200 qualifying students from the Junior Mathematical Challenge to take part in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad.


If you have missed the qualifying threshold, you can also register through the registration form in this page.

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Please note: If you registered after the deadline, the fees will be doubled.


If you attended UKJMC: qualified students of UKJMC will receive a formal invitation to the follow-on round (the UKJMO)! 

*If you attended UKJMC and have qualified for UKJMO, the entry fee is $100. 

If you did not attend UKJMC or you are not qualified for UKJMO, the entry fee is $200. 

PGA reserves the right to interpret all competition and course arrangements.

Exam date: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Exam time:

NZ time: 19:00-21:00

Sydney time: 17:00-19:00

Perth/ Beijing time: 15:00-17:00

Competition format

The Junior Mathematical Olympiad is a 120-minute challenge, consisting of 16 problems: 10 in Section A and six in Section B.

PGA lessons to UKJMO


Scoring rules for the Junior Mathematical Olympiad are as follows:

  • Each question in Section A is worth 1 point, each question in Section B is worth up to 10 points

  • Answers in Section B can be awarded partial marks depending on on the clarity of the participants Mathematical presentation


Certificate: The top-scoring 25% of participants will receive a Certificate of Distinction, the next top 40% will receive a Certificate of Merit. The remaining students will receive either a certificate of qualification or participation depending on their entry route.

Medal: Medals are awarded based on the total score of Section B only. Each of the top 40 scorers receive a gold medal, the next 60 a silver medal and the next 100 a bronze medal. All medalists will also receive a book prize.

The 2023 award thresholds were:

Merit: 21+, Distinction: 36+, Bronze medal: 36+, Silver medal: 44+, Gold medal: 51+.

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