Python Introduction Courses
This course is taught in Python, which is intended for students with little or no programming experience.
Coding is an important and necessary future-focused literacy.
Why Coding?
Coding, or computer programming, gives a computer step-by-step commands to tell it what to do. This can include making websites,
games and apps. Students who have mastered coding can construct, hypothesise, explore, experiment, evaluate, and draw conclusions.
Coding is an important and necessary future-focused literacy. It is
included as part of the school curricula in many countries that recognise
this. Coding helps to create our digital world, and as our world becomes more digital, coding is becoming more of an in-demand and employable
Five reasons to learn to code
Coding is a tool to improve educational equity.
Coding offers inclusion.
Coding can improve neuroplasticity.
Coding improves Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) proficiencies.
5. Coding is an important and necessary future-focused literacy.
Course Description
This course is taught in Python, which is intended for students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems and to help students, regardless of their major, feel justifiably confident in their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class uses the Python 3.9 programming language.
Information of Bank Account
Name of Account: Pinnacle Education Group
Account: 06-0241-0684634-00
Please make payment with the students 'full name + Python' as reference
Holiday Program
Fee of Courses, 9 hours in total